Ocupação é terror, anexação é apartheid

imagemDeclaração dos Partidos Comunistas e Operários do Mundo

O dia 5 de junho de 2020 é o 53º aniversário da guerra de agressão de 1967, por meio da qual Israel ocupou a Cisjordânia, Jerusalém Oriental e a Faixa de Gaza, a Golã Síria e a Península do Sinai. Este aniversário ocorre sob a sombra da intenção declarada do governo de Israel de anexar as Terras Palestinas Ocupadas, com apoio da administração estadunidense, como parte do desastroso “Acordo do Século”.

De fato isto significa a perpetuação da ocupação, avançando com os assentamentos e criando um regime oficial do Apartheid, para retirar o direito de autodeterminação do povo palestino e impedir o fim da ocupação, dos assentamentos e do estabelecimento de um estado palestino independente nas fronteiras estabelecidas em 4 de junho de 1967, com Jerusalém Oriental como sua capital e o direito de retorno para refugiados, de acordo com as resoluções internacionais.

O governo de Netanyahu e a administração de Trump estão empurrando a região para o limite, e ambos estão perpetuando o conflito a serviço de projetos de hegemonia, apostando no silêncio da comunidade internacional sobre esses crimes – crimes de guerra – especialmente no momento em que o mundo está preocupado com as implicações da COVID-19 na saúde, na sociedade e na economia.

Nós, os partidos comunistas e operários do mundo, abaixo-assinados, exortamos as forças anti-imperialistas progressistas ao redor do planeta a continuar a luta contra essa política criminosa israelense e o apoio insolente do imperialismo na liquidação dos direitos do povo palestino e na liquidação de qualquer oportunidade de exercer o direito internacional e alcançar segurança e estabilidade na região.

Occupation is Terror, Annexation is Apartheid

On June 5th 2020 it is the 53rd anniversary of the 1967 aggressive war, where Israel had occupied the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza strip, the Syrian Golan and Sinai peninsula.

This anniversary comes in the shadow of the Israeli government’s declared intention to annex the Occupied Palestinian Lands supported by the American Administration, as part of the disastrous “Deal of the Century”. Meaning, perpetuating the occupation, deepening the settlements and creating an official Apartheid regime, while clearing the Palestinian people’s right of self-determination, and preventing the end of occupation, settlements and the establishment of a Palestinian independent state on the borders of June 4th 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital and the right of return for refugees according to international resolutions.

Netanyahu’s government and Trump’s administration are pulling the region to the edge as well as they both are perpetuating the conflict in the service of hegemony projects, they then are betting on the silence of the international community on these crimes – war crimes- especially as the world is preoccupied with COVID-19 implications on health, society and economy.

We, the undersigned workers’ and communist parties of the world, call upon the progressive anti-imperialist forces around the world to continue the struggle against this criminal Israeli policy and the impudent support of imperialism in liquidating the rights of the Palestinian People and exterminating any chance to exercise international law, and reach security and stability in the region.

Down with the Occupation!

Forward the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination!

Signed Parties (Partidos signatários):

Communist Party of Albania
Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
Party of Labour of Austria
CP of Australia
Progressive Tribune of Bahrain
Communist Party of Belgium
Workers’ Party of Belgium
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Communist Party of Brazil
Brazilian Communist Party
New Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party of Canada
Communists of Catalonia
CP of Chile
Communist Party of Cuba
AKEL – Cyprus
Communist Party in Denmark
Communist Party of Finland
French Communist Party
German Communist Party
Communist Party of Greece
Communist Party of India (Marxist)
Tudeh Party of Iran
Workers’ Party of Ireland
Communist Party of Israel
Communist Party of Italy
Italian Communist Party
Jordanian Communist Party
Communist Party of Mexico
Popular Socialist Party – National Political Association, Mexico
Communist Party of Norway
Palestinian People’s Party
Paraguayan Communist Party
Peruvian Communist Party
PKP-1930, the Philippine Communist Party
Communist Party of Poland
Portuguese Communist Party
Union of Communist Parties-CPSU
Communists of Serbia
Communist Party of Spain
Communist Party of the Workers of Spain – PCTE
Communist Party of Sri Lanka
Sudanese Communist Party
South African CP
Communist Party of Swaziland
Communist Party of Turkey
Communist Party of Ukraine
Communist Party of USA
New Communist Party of Yugoslavia

O Manifesto está aberto para novas assinaturas

Tradução: Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB)
