Partidos Comunistas do mundo saúdam 99 anos do PCB
Partidos Comunistas e Operários de todo o mundo enviaram calorosas saudações em homenagem ao 99º aniversário do PCB. O Partido Comunista da Grécia (KKE) encaminhou sua saudação por meio de um vídeo que pode ser visto no programa de comemoração dos 99 anos realizado no dia 25 de março, no Canal do Poder Popular no YouTube: ou no seguinte link:
De igual forma, o Partido Comunista Alemão (DKP) enviou saudação que pode ser acessada em:
Seguem abaixo declarações que foram enviadas por escrito pelos nossos partidos irmãos.
Viva os 99 anos do PCB! Viva a luta pelo Socialismo e pelo Comunismo em todo o mundo! Viva o internacionalismo proletário!
Partido Comunista da Turquia (TKP):
Estimados camaradas del Partido Comunista Brasileño,
Queremos transmitir nuestro mensaje de felicidades y solidaridad por el 99º aniversario de la fundación de su partido.
La semana pasada fue el aniversario del Manifiesto Comunista, un texto que ha sido guía en la lucha de la clase obrera mundial. La historia ha aprobado una y otra vez que la teoría marxista tiene la capacidad de analizar lo que es el capitalismo: una calamidad enorme que atormenta la humanidad. Pero, hoy en día, vivimos un período que muestra con toda la claridad del mundo esta realidad. Todos los pueblos del mundo se enteran que el capitalismo condena a los trabajadores a la muerte, nada menos. Es aún más obvio en Brasil, debido al gobierno reaccionario de Bolsonaro.
En muchos países, incluyendo a Brasil, se fundaron partidos comunistas hace un siglo. Fue, sin duda, la edad de las revoluciones socialistas. Hoy, después de un siglo, la realidad sigue igual: Es la edad de las revoluciones socialistas. Nada menos.
Les deseamos mucho éxito en su lucha contra el capitalismo en Brasil.
¡Viva la revolución!
¡Viva el socialismo!
Partido Comunista de Turquía
Comité Central
Partido Comunista Português:
Caros camaradas,
Por ocasião da celebração do 99.º aniversário da fundação do Partido Comunista Brasileiro, que se comemora dia 25 de Março, queremos transmitir-vos as felicitações e fraternas saudações dos comunistas portugueses.
Saudamos o percurso heróico dos comunistas brasileiros em prol dos interesses da classe operária e das massas trabalhadoras, das profundas aspirações do povo brasileiro, em prol da liberdade, da democracia, da soberania, do progresso social e do socialismo.
Com o desenvolvimento do processo golpista que levou à destituição da Presidente eleita Dilma Rousseff e culminou na chegada de Bolsonaro à presidência, os trabalhadores e povo brasileiro vivem um momento particularmente complexo e exigente da sua luta, enfrentando a ofensiva contra os direitos laborais e sociais, a irresponsável e criminosa política perante a pandemia, a degradação dos serviços públicos e a privatização de empresas públicas, o ataque a liberdades e à democracia, a abdicação da soberania nacional e subordinação ao imperialismo, a promoção de concepções reaccionárias e a imposição de um poder de cariz autoritário.
Quando os comunistas brasileiros assinalam os seus 99 anos de luta, enviamos-vos a expressão da solidariedade dos comunistas portugueses, com a confiança que os trabalhadores e o povo brasileiro, com o papel de vanguarda dos comunistas, será capaz de transformar o amplo descontentamento em luta organizada pelos direitos, os interesses e as aspirações das massas populares, de derrotar a ofensiva reaccionária e conquistar um rumo de democracia e de progresso social, no caminho do socialismo.
Expressando o nosso interesse no desenvolvimento das relações bilaterais entre os nossos dois partidos, recebam as nossas fraternas saudações,
Secção Internacional do Partido Comunista Português
Partido Comunista dos EUA (CPUSA):
Dear comrades,
We as members of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) express our upmost solidarity with the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) and the Brazilian working-class on this 99th anniversary of the founding of your party. From the earliest days of its existence, to the days of the dictatorship and now under the threat of Bolsonaro, the PCB has remained a powerful weapon in the hand of the Brazilian working-class against the fascist danger and other reactionary forces. We have no doubt that the PCB, strongly committed to Marxism-Leninism, will continue to play its necessary leading role in the struggle to expand democracy and establish socialism in Brazil. We celebrate this almost century of militancy with you, and we extend our hands in solidarity to our Brazilian comrades and all oppressed peoples of your country in this time of struggle. Long live the PCB! Hasta la victoria siempre!
International Commission of the CPUSA
Partido Comunista da Noruega:
Dear Comrades,
CP of Norway is greeting your celebration of PCB 99 year Anniversary on March 25th 2021.
We are standing together in the IMCWP in our common fight against Imperialism, racism, fascism and war, for workers power, national selfdetermination, peace and Socialism-Communism.
We are looking forward to meet again to exchange our views as soon as we have fought the Covid 19 pandemic.
Oslo, March 22nd 2021
PB of CC CP of Norway
Runa Evensen Spokesperson
Svend Haakon Jacobsen International Secretary
Partido Comunista na Dinamarca:
Dear comrades in the Brazilian Communist Party,
We salute you on the occasion of your 99th anniversary.
Brazil as a very big country in Latin America, really needs firm communist parties.
In the present situation where the former president Lula seems to come back in the leadership of your country in 2022, it is important that you on the one side support Lula as a leader of the forces struggling for independence from the US-imperialism but also as a social democrat.
Communist parties as the PCB are very necessary for turning Brazil from not only being an antiimperialist country but also for turning the way around to a struggle for socialism.
Capitalism is the problem
Socialism is the solution
The Communist Party in Denmark, KPiD
Bo Moeller, international secretary
Partido Comunista da Austrália:
Dear comrades,
On behalf of the Communist Party of Australia, please receive warmest fraternal greetings on the 99th founding anniversary of the Brazilian Communist Party.
It is one of the most tumultuous times for the working class the world over with the ongoing pandemic. In Brazil especially people have faced the full wrath of the capitalist system’s neglect of human lives, as one of the leading countries with COVID-19 casualties. Combined with the repressive, anti-communist regime of Bolsonaro, these are extremely difficult times in which our comrades struggle for the advancement of the working class. However, the 99 years of the PCB are filled with great examples of struggle and triumph from which inspiration and courage must be drawn. That the Communists in Brazil are not only existing but organised, active, and attracting more and more young people, as are Communist organisations around the world, is in itself the triumph of our politics.
More and more people understand the inadequacies of social democracy, the need for the complete overthrow of capitalism and the need for workers to gain political power. We hope your reflections on the past 99 years will provide more strength to your commitment to the cause of socialism.
We wish you every success in your struggles and offer our complete solidarity.
Long live the Brazilian Communist Party!
Long live working-class internationalism!
Vinnie Molina
International Department
Communist Party of Australia, CPA
Partido do Povo Palestino (Palestinian People’s Party):
To The Central Committee of the Brazilian communist Party
Dear Comrades
On the occasion of the 99th anniversary of your party, we convey to you and through you to all members and friends of your party on behalf of the members and leadership of our party and all progressive forces of our people our comradely greetings
We also want to express our solidarity with your party against all kinds of oppressions from the reactionary forces in your country and imperialist forces
Your firm solidarity with the just cause of our people is highly appreciated
We wish you every success in your struggle for better future of your people, for social justice and progress
Bassam Salhi
General Secretary of the central committee of PPP
Partido Comunista da Finlândia:
Greetings and message of solidarity from the Communist Party of Finland on the occasion of the 99th Anniversary of the Brazilian Communist Party PCB
The Communist Party of Finland sends comradely greeting to the Brazilian Communist Party PCB that is celebrating the 99th Anniversary of the party on March 25th, 2021.
The 99- years anniversary events of Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) awake international interest. The PCB has an important role in the international class struggle and among the Communist and Workers’ parties collective work.
From a Finnish communist point it is highly interesting to follow and study the political analysis and party work in questions like culture, antiracism and class – all important issues of actual topics of PCB.
PCB surely has an important role in the fight against racism, in the struggles of blacks in Brazil and in the affirmation of popular culture in the class, resistance against president Bolsonaro’s genocidal regime, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist perspective.
The Communist Party of Finland is sure that the analysis and collective understanding of the events around the 99 years celebration will be successful and inspiratory.
Struggles of the working class and popular movements around the world needs to be strengthened. The Communist Party of Finland wishes to strengthen the bilateral relations with the Brazilian Communist Party in the frame work of the World Communist and Workers´ parties collective.
Long live the Brazilian Communist Party!
Long live solidarity!
Long live international Class Struggle!
JP (Juha-Pekka) Väisänen
Chairperson of the Communist party of Finland – SKP
Tiina Sandberg
Secretary General of the Communist party of Finland – SKP
Partido Comunista da Boêmia e Morávia:
Dear comrades,
First of all I would like to extend my sincere greetings to You. Allow me to congratulate You on the occasion of the 99’h Anniversary of the establishment of the Brazilian Communist Party, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia sends its heartfelt greetings. We salute every its member, expressing our both respect and appreciation to whole Your party.
We highly appreciate the friendly relations between our parties, mutual changing of our delegations and cooperation between the Brazilian Communist Party and the Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia.
We believe that a mutual changing of our delegations in the future can contribute to further deepening of cooperation between the Brazilian Communist Party and Communist Party of Bohemia & Moravia, bringing new knowledge from our parties’ work and enriching mutual knowledge of living of both Brazilian and Czech societies, of people from both our countries.
We hope that the relations between our two parties will be developed further based on common tasks such as fighting capitalist crisis all around the world and fighting for better living standards of ordinary people. We believe in a better tomorrow and it’s important to empower the next generation to build a better and peaceful world.
The world is experiencing a civilizational crisis, arising from the contradictions of the capitalist system. As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic the world and people is facing troubled times, unemployment and poverty have increased even more and civil rights are at risk. Is more than clear that the situation is deteriorating worldwide on multiple levels and that the structural crisis of capitalism are only deepening. More than ever, unity of action and international solidarity are a necessity in order to withstand the forces of capitalism and imperialism.
We believe that Your Anniversary will be a contribution on the journey; it will bring new impetus into the struggle for people’s living conditions to be improved, for a just society, for living in peace as well as in worthy conditions for living of every individual. We are admiring Your deep devotion to the idea of socialism, unity of the party and its determination in the fight for the interests of the working people in the conditions of the deepening crisis and aggression of the capitalist system. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia supports the initiatives of the Brazilian Communist Party during the struggle of the pandemic COVID19.
Accept please this letter as our expression of solidarity with You to strive for peace, social progress and fairer society. We try carefully to watch the pandemic situation in Your country and we know well that it gets worse last time. We express our solidarity with the people of Brazil with their struggle.
On behalf of all Czech communists, sincerely and with all my heart, I wish You every success as well as plenty of both braveness and endurance.
Most sincerely comradely greetings,
Vojtëch Filip
Chairman of the CPB&M
Partido dos Trabalhadores da Irlanda:
Dear Comrades,
The Workers’ Party of Ireland sends our congratulations to the Brazilian Communist Party on
the 99th anniversary of your foundation.
This anniversary comes at a particularly significant and difficult moment for the working class of Brazil, suffering as it is under the far-right Bolsonaro government, which was of course backed and facilitated by the US in coming to power. Indeed, over the course of the last century the Brazilian working class has often suffered the malign consequences of interference by US imperialism and its bolstering of far-right forces.
The current Bolsonaro regime has condemned the Brazilian working class to extreme neo- liberal and anti-democratic policies, and his deliberately anti-scientific approach to the covid pandemic in Brazil has undoubtedly cost the lives of many working class and poor citizens.
In that context, the necessity for a principled mass communist party that can confront the forces of the far-right and of US imperialism remains as vital as it was when your party was founded 99 years ago.
The Workers’ Party of Ireland salutes your determination to build a party that can win the struggle for democracy and socialism.
We offer you our continuing solidarity in the struggles ahead. In solidarity,
Gavin Mendel-Gleason
Director of International Department
The Workers’ Party of Ireland.
Partido Comunista do Vietnã:
A la: Secretaría de Relaciones Internacionales Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB)
En ocasión del 99 Aniversario de la fundación del Partido Comunista Brasileiro (25/3/1922 – 25/3/2021), la Comisión de Relaciones Exteriores del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Vietnam quisiera hacerles llegar a Ustedes, y por sus conductos, a los camaradas dirigentes, exdirigentes y la militancia del hermano Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB), nuestras más cálidas felicitaciones.
A lo largo de casi un siglo de formación y desarrollo, el Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) ha superado muchos desafíos y dificultades, ha sacrificado por los intereses de la clase obrera y del pueblo trabajador, por la causa de construcción de una sociedad democrática, justa y más bella en Brasil y en la región de América Latina.
Estamos orgullosos de Ustedes y tenemos la confianza de que, con la heroica tradición revolucionaria, el Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) continuará superando los actuales desafíos, obteniendo mayores victorias; contribuyendo al fortalecimiento de la amistad, la solidaridad y la cooperación entre las fuerzas de izquierda y progresista en Brasil, en América Latina y en el mundo.
La pandemia Covid-19 es complicada y puede prolongarse, con muchos riesgos potenciales. Compartimos las dificultades que enfrentan el Partido Comunista Brasileiro y el pueblo de Brasil en este contexto.
Reconocemos y valoramos altamente sus esfuerzos en la celebración del 99 Aniversario de la fundación del Partido Comunista Brasileiro y consideramos que más que nunca, nuestra solidaridad y coordinación de acciones son una base importante para asegurar la victoria final del mundo sobre la pandemia.
Aprovechando esta ocasión, quisiéramos hacerle llegar también, nuestros sinceros agradecimientos al Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) por su mensaje de felicitaciones al XIII Congreso Nacional del Partido Comunista de Vietnam. Apreciamos muy altamente y consideramos que este ha constituido un gran estímulo de Ustedes a la causa de construcción y defensa de la Patria socialista, del Partido, Estado y pueblo de Vietnam.
Hacemos votos porque las relaciones de solidaridad, amistad y cooperación entre nuestros dos Partidos, entre nuestros dos organismos de relaciones internacionales y entre los dos pueblos de Vietnam y Brasil se consoliden y se desarrollen más cada día. Les deseamos muy buena salud, venturas personales y muchos éxitos en sus altas e importantes responsabilidades.
Reciban, muy estimados camaradas, nuestros saludos de hermandad y fraternidad.